The Ultimate Ham Cheese and Spinach Breakfast Loaf

The Ultimate Ham Cheese and Spinach Breakfast Loaf

This Ultimate Ham, Cheese and Spinach Breakfast Loaf is Packed with goodness. This super-easy loaf is sure to conquer those little hearts this school term. Crispy bread holds a savoury and overwhelming cheese dressing. Ham Cheese Spinach Loaf is a different quick bread that is filled with goodness. This is an excellent brunch piece for spring to go along with any Easter or Mother’s Day food. Beautiful colours liven up this bread and perform it an ideal centrepiece that everyone will think you slaved over, but it is effortless to pull collectively.

Common elements meld collectively to make something distinctively diverse. Hot out of the oven is fittest for this loaf, but it also slices excellent and warms back up pleasantly in a toaster oven or toaster. A fast slather of butter and you are off to the tracks.


I love a swift bread, no need to let this start, add the elements and put it in a loaf pan and moves into the oven. The sole tip I would say is to get confident that the spinach is dried out as you don’t want wet bread. Ours turned out excellent, not soggy at all even days later. You also don’t need a specific moment to prepare this bread. It will do any day just a little more enjoyable. Hearty and nutritious, a slice of this served to eat in the morning will get your engines revved for a fruitful day. This would also make a fabulous after school bite when the kids are arriving home starving.



  • One sourdough bread loaf
  • 1/2 cup of Dijon mustard
  • 250g of shaved deli ham
  • 1 cup of baby spinach
  • 1 1/2 cups of Devondale 3 Cheese Blend



  • Cut the top crust layer of the loaf. Place the dough on its side and cut lengthways down the centre of the loaf
  • Spread the bottom side of the bread with Dijon mustard and cover with a layer of ham pieces and a layer of spinach leaves.
  • Drizzle over the bechamel sauce and top with cheese
  • Place the lid on the loaf and spread Dijon mustard and drizzle with cheese blend.
  • Bake 10-15 minutes or until cheese is golden and the bread is toasted
  • Slice the bread in triangles and serve.


Serve with love


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