Raw Cranberry Sauce

Raw Cranberry Sauce

This colourful sauce is excellent beside holiday side plates and an extraordinary change from the ordinarily prepared cranberry sauce. This sauce only catches a few minutes to prepare and can be frozen for up to 3 months, which makes it a fabulous recipe to prepare ahead of time for parties. You’re going to thank me for this one. Thanksgiving supper is normally of a complex juggling action of figuring out how many plates need to go in the oven, at what time do they want to come out, and all the meanwhile, mixing one of many pots on the stove. This raw cranberry sauce will make all that prepping easier.


All you do is a method the ingredients into a food processor or blender and mixture. No peeling or cooking included and you can perform these days before. This cranberry sauce is, pleasant, and an extraordinary chance to the endless dishes of fat and cream on your Thanksgiving table. Not that there’s something wrong with that. You can use a grinder or a food processor to grind up the sauce. We prefer using a blender to a food processor because a grinder does a better job smooshing the cranberries, orange, and apples together while it cuts them up. But either way will work. It is a fabulous side dish for Thanksgiving dinner. It can be used as filling for cranberry/cream cheese tarts and also makes a great topping on bagels, cornbread, or cheesecake. Pour into a dish or jars and close. The pectin in the cranberries will make the cranberry sauce gel as it cools. I regularly use a fork to mix it up, which will make it more manageable.



  • 1 cup pitted dates
  • 4 cups of fresh cranberries
  • ½ cup of orange juice



  • Take 1 cup pitted dates and cover with boiling water and let sit for 15 minutes to soften.
  • Put the drained dates, 4 cups fresh cranberries, 1/2 cup orange juice in a blender and blend.


Have a nice day


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