Healthy Chocolate Pudding

Healthy Chocolate Pudding

Do you ever need a chocolate fix? We captured one for you! This one I made by chance. I mix it when I notice a chocolate desire in the evenings, and I don’t also scale. Here’s the significant part: it touches like dark chocolate pudding! But it’s only banana, dark cocoa powder, and avocado. So, you get the protein and probiotics while taking your chocolate fix. Even high, you can make it in 2 minutes!. If you’re a dark chocolate enthusiast like we are, keep reading.

I sense like I randomly re-invented pudding. I started this together one weekday evening when I understood I had a single ripe banana in the cupboard that wanted to be used—one banana. I didn’t like to cook anything, and I was feeling tired. Also, it had been at least a day since I’d had something chocolate.

So I started all of this in my small blender and blended it up. I washed the spoon and remembered I had done great. I wasn’t guaranteed what it was, but I enjoyed it. I hit the spoon many more times and headed to finally pour the rest into a dish and store it in the fridge. Let’s see!



  • ½ cup of pitted dates
  • One ripe banana
  • ½ cup unsweetened cocoa powder
  • One teaspoon of pure vanilla extract
  • Two avocados



  • In a large bowl, add dates and soaked in hot water for 10 minutes and drained.
  • In a food processor, combine dates, banana, cocoa powder, vanilla, avocados and puree until smooth.
  • Refrigerate several hours (up to 3 days) before serving.




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