Chilli Idli

Chilli Idli

Idli is a traditional South Indian morning meal recipe that needs no introduction. Now, I am going to share a tasty meal recipe with leftover idlis. Chilli’s idli recipe is a different take on the traditional Idli. Chilli idli substitutes the common spices served along with soft idlis to make the idlis aromatic and tangy. Chilli Idli is a comforting Indo-Chinese food made of Idlis. It is one of the most well-known breakfast alternatives for most of the Indians. Children enjoy this snack for sure. You can prepare it as an after-class snack as well. Cubed and deep-fried Idlis rolled with Chinese sauces and presented warm, which is a recommended selection for a bite. This food is an excellent South Indian meal served with Chutney and Sambar.

Idlis, while being a favourite breakfast choice for many of us, leaves us facing the difficulty of various kinds. An oft-overlooked challenge that we all have through is what do we do with remaining Idlis. While everyone at the house enjoys smooth and hot Idlis, nobody appears to be as much inspired in the extra ones. This chilli idli allows innovating- dishes like Masala idli fry and Chilli Idli Fry are the result of such need. At times I cook extra Idlis to prepare this recipe of chilli idli. After I had made this only for me, I have made it seasoned. So this recipe serves one division. Though you can even multiply the recipe, this recipe also goes fine in a tiffin carrier. So if preparing for children, then omit or decrease the number of green chillies.




  • 10-15 idlis, cut into quarters
  • Two tablespoons of cornflour
  • One tablespoon of oil
  • One tablespoon of chopped garlic
  • ½ tablespoon of chopped ginger
  • 2-3 green chillies, chopped
  • One small onion, cut into quarters
  • One small yellow capsicum, cubed
  • One tablespoon of soy sauce
  • One tablespoon of red chilli sauce
  • ½ cup of vegetable stock
  • Salt to taste
  • Crushed black peppercorns to taste
  • One tablespoon of cornflour slurry



  • In a bowl of idlis, add cornflour and mix well them with hands.
  • In a saucepan of hot oil, deep-fry the coated idli pieces.
  • In a pan, add oil and heat it; Add garlic, ginger, green chillies and saute them well.
  • Combine onion, tomato, capsicum and stir in soy sauce, red chilli sauce and vegetable stock.
  • Add salt and pepper; Combine cornflour slurry and drop in fried idli pieces into the mix.
  • Toss well and finish with sprinkling some sliced spring onion greens.


Serve happily!


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