Baked Chickpea Nuts Recipe

Baked Chickpea ‘Nuts’ Recipe

Have you ever thought about those cans of chickpeas placed in your cupboard contains a superb matter?

When you bake these chickpeas, they transform into a crispy, salty, savory snack for the evening. They are too cute and small. If you want to eat a handful feeling, I suggest you this snack. No other meal can replace this snack. Do you think these chickpeas have a lot of fats and all? A BIG NO. Keep this in knowledge. When you roast chickpeas in the oven quickly, they become super crunchy, but at the same time, they’re a great low-fat alternative for other nuts.

If you have no idea about this snack yet, I am here to help you and tell you the secret. Here is our simple step-by-step recipe for the Baked Chickpea ‘Nuts’.


  • One 15-ounce canned chickpeas
  • 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon of dried marjoram
  • 2 teaspoons of ground cumin
  • Allspice and salt – as you want



  • Rinse the canned chickpeas and dry them out. Gently roll them between two clean towels.
  • In a dish, add the chickpeas, extra-virgin olive oil, ground cumin, and marjoram.
  • Sprinkle the allspice and salt into it
  • Mix them well and transfer it into the baking tray

Bake it at 450 °F for 25-30 minutes

For the extra taste, you can also sprinkle some salad so they will give a more crunchy effect. You can add extra olive as much as you want, but remember, the less you add, the less crunch you get. When you toss all seasoning, remember to do it well because seasonings have the talent to get burned and give a bitter taste. If you want to have extra fun in your spice, then try to add some rosemary or lemon zest and fresh herbs. Unlike the deep frying, the baking keeps the crunchiness for a long time. The chickpeas will instantly turn into a nutty and chewy. So try this super cool recipe and Enjoy your day.

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