Superfast Guacamole

Superfast Guacamole

Round out this hearty food with Spanish rice. Guacamole is an avocado-based appetizer, spread, or salad first produced in Mexico. Additionally to its use in modern Mexican cuisine, it has become part of foreign and American cuisine as a dip, condiment and salad element. This is the excellent guacamole procedure as it’s easy to do and uses pure, high-quality ingredients. Real guacamole doesn’t include fillers and optional components. All you require is avocados, onion, tomatoes, cilantro, jalapeno pepper, lime juice, garlic and salt. Simple and delightful. I’m not one for exaggeration, but this is the best guacamole method. When it comes to crowd-raving guacamole, the answer is not to get too fancy or try to be too different. Guacamole is meant to be simple to prepare and tasty. Plain and manageable. It’s a combination of a few high-quality components with flavourings that meld collectively splendidly. Guacamole oxidizes and turns brown much darn quick. The lime juice helps to relax this process, but, inevitably, remaining guacamole will finally begin to brown.


Now, I’ve tried every kitchen hack possible to keep guacamole green (I eat a lot of guacamole). So what doesn’t work? Well, let’s start with dropping the pit in the guacamole. This does nothing to stop browning, and there’s no precise justification for it. Think it as an old wives tale.

Next, many say to combine lemon juice. And this eases a bit, but I don’t wish that it alters the flavour profile of my loved guacamole.

The most common guacamole storage hack is placing plastic wrap straight on the guacamole to stop oxidization. And this may control for a day or two. But I’m endeavouring to reduce my plastic usage and don’t love this way.




  • Two large avocados, mashed
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • ½ cup of salsa



  • Cut the avocados, remove the pit and cut hatch marks.
  • And slide it to a bowl and add ½ cup salsa, ½ teaspoon salt.
  • Smash the avocado with a fork and make it as chunky or smooth as you’d like.


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