Super Simple Summer Salad

Super Simple Summer Salad

Salad ingredients are my favourite way to showcase active, in-season produces fruits and vegetables that are so much on their own that you don’t require to do much to make them into a yummy meal. On cold winter nights, I like to cheer up our supper table with a big, colourful mix of root vegetables and intense greens. On lovely, sunny days when I’d preferably be intense than in the kitchen, summer salads are the perfect answer. They’re easy to mix together, but they’re delightful nonetheless. Whether you desire to combine more plant-based meals to your menu or are only watching to switch up your salad game, you’ll find tons of motivation in the salad ingredients below. Including everything from green salads to pasta salads and ahead, these recipes are perfect for passing at potlucks, serving as supper sides, and having as full meals on their own. To enjoy getting back into the habit of blogging after a gale month that incorporated moving, I am providing you with a salad that is both super easy and very yummy. I dare you not to adore this salad.


It’s a healthy easy to prepare the mixture for the lettuce phobic, or just someone is tired of the same old romaine routine. Technically it doesn’t even require a method just a blend of six elements you have in your kitchen always. Aside from the absolute minimalism of it, this is a beautiful salad. The difference between the blueberries and carrot in colour is relished only by the juxtaposition of the crispy and then sweet soft berries. It was excellent with a lean steak and a microbrewed social beer. This was the entire food to christen my pantry with, and I plan on serving many more of the mixtures from this article in the New York Times. My life requires more simple, light, no-fuss dishes.




  • 1 cup carrots
  • ½ cup sunflower seeds
  • 1 cup of olive oil
  • 1 lemon juice
  • Black pepper
  • 1 cup of salt




  • Toss the sunflower seeds and heat it.
  • Slice carrots and grate carrots
  • In a bowl add carrots, blueberries, sunflower seeds and whisk together
  • Add lemon juice, olive oil, black pepper and mix well


Have a nice day



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