Stuffed Avocados with Chicken Salad

Stuffed Avocados with Chicken Salad

Are you looking for a fresh, packable lunch for work? This fresh homemade chicken salad served inside an avocado alternatively of bread is just the ticket. Plus, this procedure makes enough for ready-made lunches for the week. The crispy, soft chicken salad makes these avos into a protein-packed meal. A filled avocado makes a hearty meal full of healthy fats and nutrition. Rich, ripe avocados are excellent packed with simple rotisserie chicken salad and spiced with seasoning and lime juice. It’s a whole meal that is comforting and set in just 20 minutes. Avocado is a pleasant fruit that I continuously have on hand and reply to sandwiches, tacos, salads, and pretty much any food of the day. It’s okay, and it can often be interchanged for mayo and butter. Smooth surface and mild flavor go so well with everything. There are numerous health advantages to avocado. It’s a super fruit you should incorporate in your diet frequently. It includes a higher amount of potassium than a banana, loaded with vitamins C, K, E, and B, and folate and amino acids. Did you grasp that avocado has all the necessary amino acids that a body requires? It does, and your body utilizes it to create protein in the assistance of muscle and skin structure.

Avocado is likewise considered a low-carb fruit even though there are about 9 grams of carbohydrates. Most of those carbohydrates are fiber and not sugar, which makes it advantageous. So don’t wait any longer to combine avocados to your family’s diet.

Filling avocados is a great way to get a whole meal that is hearty and comforting. Since avocados are higher in healthful fats, they are very filling. Chicken salad is an excellent summation to it because it’s fast, flavorful, and can be made ahead of time. You can have a perfect food in one with chicken salad as a protein and avocados as a sub.

This method can be made all at once, or you can prepare the chicken salad ahead of time and make your avocados as required. It will make a fabulous hearty after-school snack.




  • 1 pound skinless chicken breast boneless
  • ⅓ cup low-fat plain Greek yogurt
  • ¼ cup mayonnaise
  • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh tarragon
  • Salt
  • ½ teaspoon ground pepper
  • 1 cup diced celery
  • 1 cup seedless red grapes, halved (optional)
  • ¼ cup toasted chopped pecans
  • 2 firm halved and pitted ripe avocados



  • Combine yogurt, mayonnaise, shallot, dill, lemon juice, salt and pepper in a large bowl.
  • Add the cooked chicken, celery, grapes stir to combine.
  • To serve, fill each avocado half with about 1/2 cup chicken salad and sprinkle toasted pecans.

Serve with love


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