Pumpkin Oatmeal

Pumpkin Oatmeal

Pumpkin pie is one of my most popular American desserts. It’s so refreshing, so clearly related to that most fantastic time of year, Thanksgiving, where no matter what race or religion, families and colleagues select to praise how thankful they are for each other. What more excellent way to begin your day. Pumpkin Oatmeal. Keep the flavours of pumpkin pie for breakfast in this swift and straightforward to make oatmeal ingredients! Instructions for the stove, microwave and overnight. Do new pumpkin projects leave you with an odd volume of remaining pumpkin puree remaining in the container? Time to prepare Pumpkin Oatmeal! This procedure makes two neat courses, you can adjust it on your stove, in your microwave, or even change it into cold pumpkin overnight oats in your fridge, and it is seasoned just correct. Nothing is more satisfying than savouring some leftover pumpkin pie for breakfast. Although, making this lightly healthier pumpkin oatmeal is almost as delightful.


This breakfast oatmeal procedure is swift and straightforward to make, plus there is guidance for a few various ways you can prepare this. It’s been more difficult for me to drag myself out of bed for the latter few days. Now that the sun is rising succeeding and the mornings are becoming chilly, I find myself desiring warm and cosy foods to start off my day. This pumpkin oatmeal absolutely suits that mood.

While I adore my important batch pumpkins oatmeal ideas like these warm slow cooker and this Pumpkin Baked Oatmeal, sometimes these bigger-scale procedures feel like too full of a quantity responsibility. Even more often, I get up hungry and don’t feel like paying more than a few minutes making breakfast. The best way to get a course of entire grains and a yellow vegetable in the day! (Even my three years old liked it!)




  • 1 cup quick-cooking rolled oats
  • 3/4 cup milk, or as needed
  • 1/2 cup canned pumpkin puree
  • 1/4 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
  • One teaspoon of cinnamon sugar




  • Whisk together oats and milk in a microwave-safe bowl.
  • Microwave on high after stirring once for 1 to 2 minutes,
  • Add extra milk or oats to get to the desired consistency and cook for an additional 30 seconds.
  • Pour in pumpkin puree, pumpkin pie spice, and cinnamon sugar.
  • Heat through for 30-60 seconds.


Serve with love


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