Philly Chicken Steak Sandwich

Philly Chicken Steak Sandwich

This is the most typical Chicken Philly Cheesesteak Sandwich method. Thin slices of chicken cook with peppers, onions, and mushroom and loaded with cheese served with a hoagie roll. This is the complete sandwich for lunch or supper with a side of domestic fries. Though we love a great traditional Philly sandwich, this sandwich is just as marvelous. You can either have chicken or steak, cut into small shreds. Bell peppers are completely your choice but are highly suggested for the final cheesesteak expertise. On top of it, comes the cheese. Now, there is debate, and everyone has a choice. Some people prefer to use pepper-jack or cheddar cheese, but provolone cheese is the most actual cheese for cheesesteaks.

This is one remarkable looking sandwich. Every sole of those ingredients screams fabulousness. A Philly cheesesteak sandwich is a beautiful thing if you don’t focus on the nutritional side. Protect the quality of a Philly sandwich but substitute the steak with chicken for a better outcome. For an added nutritional bonus, look into colorful red and orange sweet peppers. The cheese sauce is the code for this sandwich. I prepared a little butter/flour roux, then combined hot sauce, heavy cream, chicken stock, and a combo of creamy cheeses. These elements make this sandwich to another step. I do know they use Cheez Whiz in Philly, and I will confess I use to eat Cheese Whiz by the jar when I was a child, but I knew preparing my cheese sauce would make this sandwich that much more delightful.



  • 1 lb thinly sliced chicken breast
  • 2 tsp oil
  • 1 Tbsp lime juice
  • 1 Tbsp adobo sauce
  • 1/2 chipotle chili
  • 1/2 thinly sliced large onion
  • 6 oz sliced mushrooms
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • ⅛ tsp pepper
  • ⅛ tsp capsicums
  • 4 oz sliced provolone cheese
  • two hoagie rolls
  • 1 cup mayonnaise



  • Put onion, capsicums, mushroom, salt, and pepper in a nonstick pan and heat
  • Take mayonnaise, adobo sauce, chipotle chili, and lime juice and blend
  • Grill the thinly slice the chicken breast
  • In a skillet, saute chicken until cooked. Add mushrooms, onions, peppers, and provolone cheese.
  • Top chicken and veggies with the cheese.
  • Add half of the chicken Philly cheesesteak mix in each bun.


Have a nice day


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