Peanut Butter Cheesecake Cups

Peanut Butter Cheesecake Cups


This is my favourite waste. And an allowance it is! Very comfortable and will most surely satisfy any kind tooth! Pull cheesecakes out of freezer 30 minutes before serving. Such tasty little cheesecake ingredients that are so simple and enjoyable to prepare!  I feel like I’ve done a good bit of “adult-ing” lately and it’s always a weird feeling. I stated before that we’ve been seeing at homes and thinking a move, but we’ve also been making our house to be cultivated to sell. In doing so, we’ve had artists coming to give quotes and paint, as well as others growing to help with getting things set. Oh, no! Not, cheesecake and chocolate repeatedly!” That will be the most vital thing you will say if you are believers of my blog. I know. Maybe I’m going a few too far with this union but what can I do when everyone in the house likes it, mainly the more traditional chocolate peanut butter cheesecake ingredients? And when I see these beautiful mini-cheesecakes in little bowls, doesn’t mean how many times I say to myself: “No, Vera, it’s chance for something else”, the ending is the same this treat is on the table.

Mini Chocolate Peanut Butter Cheesecakes are precious individual pieces of peanut butter cheesecakes with a chocolate graham cracker crust and chocolate ganache coating. This cute homemade cheesecake ingredient is a popular dessert for your child’s class bake sale or your next function. And as I said, I went to work quickly. And to be fair, there is not much effort for a desert-like this!




  • One ¼ cups chocolate cookie crumbs
  • ¼ cup melted butter
  • 1 ½ cups peanut butter
  • One package cream cheese
  • ½ cup confectioners’ sugar



  • Line up ten muffin cups with paper liners.
  • Take chocolate cookie crumbs, melted butter in a bowl and mix.
  • Press into the muffin cups and chill for 15 mins
  • Take peanut butter, cream cheese, confectioners’ sugar, spread peanut butter mixture into cups.
  • Let it chill for 30 mins
  • Pour cream in a bowl and microwave 2 mins
  • Mix the chocolate into the cream
  • Chill for 1 hour and beat the ganache until whipped
  • Spread it over the peanut butter mixture and freeze for 1 hour


Have a good day



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