Magic Custard Cake

Magic Custard Cake

Magic custard cake is somewhat an enchanting piece of cake. This magic custard cake recipe dessert is to not too sugary (which I admire the most) and is packed with a creamy middle layer that’s delicate and custard-like. This cake is light, pillowy and melt-in-your-mouth gratifying. The fine top layer of pie and base coat is what keeps the custard layer together, and when you eat into it, magic appears.

If you enjoy vanilla sponge cakes and custard, you are running to be as preoccupied with this cake as I am. It seems like it’s been thoughtfully layered with three separate components. But it’s not! You pour a straightforward batter into a cake tin, pop in the oven, and this is how it grows out. There is no specific ingredient, nor any smart way and the batter is made pretty much like a regular vanilla sponge cake. It is just much lighter. It’s the texture of crepe batter, almost like heavy pouring cream.

The magic arrives in the oven. It is baked at a below temperature than usual – 325F. And when it gets out, the first layer is a sponge, the centre is custard, and the base is almost like a fudge. I was doubtful the first time I baked it, and even when I set the cake out because you can’t see the panels on the ends. When I cut into it, I blew with surprise! I mean, look at how accurate the layers are!! This is a fabulous cake. A magic custard cake starts pretty much with a regular cake batter and converts it literally into a magical cake with a custard coating. If you prefer any custard or flan, then these cakes are for you. I don’t want to make you wait. Let’s jump into the recipe.




  • 1/2 cup (113g) unsalted butter
  • 2 cups (480ml) Milk
  • 4 Eggs
  • 4 drops White Vinegar
  • 1 1/4 cups (150g) Confectioner’s Sugar
  • 1 Tablespoon (15ml) Water
  • 1 cup (115g) Flour
  • One teaspoon (5ml) Vanilla Extract
  • extra confectioner’s sugar for dusting



  • Whisk egg white and set aside.
  • Whisk egg yolks, sugar, vanilla and water together.
  • Add melted butter, flour and warm milk.
  • Mix the egg whites with this.
  • Bake for 1 hour 10 min until top is golden
  • Dust with icing sugar and top with strawberries


Have a nice day






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