Honey Garlic Popcorn

Honey Garlic Popcorn

A part of leftover homemade garlic butter discovered it’s the process in this Honey-Garlic Popcorn recipe. Now, this was an excellent appetiser!

I made a batch of domestic Honey-Garlic Popcorn the other day.

Which indicates I had quite some still omitted in my fridge. So I was required to begin considering other recipes to utilise it in. And that’s how I arrived up with this delicious Honey-Garlic Popcorn recipe!

What do you believe, doesn’t that seem tempting?

Now, this Honey-Garlic Popcorn is an unexpected appetiser I have to tell!

Who doesn’t choose a delicious, wholesome snack? Much like our Honey-Garlic Popcorn, these small guys have just sufficient crunch and essence to keep us running. Yearning salt but withdrawing chips and harmful snacks? These sticky-spicy snacks will save you from leading for zero calories.

I am a big follower of using honey as a sweetener in both delicious and tasty meals. It has a base that delivers this popcorn finger-licking suitable! But to make the flavour, you require out of this Honey-Garlic Popcorn recipe. You have to pick your honey correctly.

That’s what makes my creamy Honey-Garlic Popcorn recipe such an excellent snack food or delicacy—both children and grown-ups to enjoy. The one-bite slices of popcorns are baked until golden and crunchy on the surface. Delicious on the centre—no frying pot wanted! I’ve always believed that popcorn savoured much more enjoyable. Everybody I know admires popcorn. What’s not to love? Salt, butter, crunchy. Our salty, buttery popcorn is much more delicious with a taste of garlic. It’s complicated, but you will enjoy it. I assure you.

Every time we do it, I keep dipping handful after handful. Before I understand it, I’m already at the depths of the bowl.

The garlic paste that is leftover from this recipe is a beautiful gift for combining to steamed veggies. I have yet to spread it on toast, so I’ll state back when I attempt it.



  • 3 cup of unsalted popcorn
  • 1 Tablespoon of honey
  • ¼ Teaspoon of Garlic granules
  • ¼ teaspoon of fine Sea salt
  • 1 Teaspoon of water



  • In a bowl, add honey, garlic granules, sea salt, and water mix it well.
  • Pour the mixture on the popcorn and mix them well.
  • Spread it in a microwave trey.
  • Bake at 350-degree F for 10 minutes.

Love it!


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