Frozen Sangria Slush

Frozen Sangria Slush

Preserve this one for summertime as it also makes charming a wind. Feel open to change up the berries depending on what you have around- I recall a blackberry sangria would be just as tasty. The brandy add is choice- sometimes I set it in and sometimes I don’t. Depends on what kind of feeling you are in. When we have buddies over, depending on how cold you need this, you may or may not require to add ice cubes. I favoured not to have mine sprayed down, so I refrigerated the red wine in ice cube plates ahead of time. This Frozen Sangria Slush goes, but if it appears like an unnecessary extra move, then don’t do it! Summer drinking expected to be simple; do what goes most suitable for you. Work is clearly on the back warmer this season, and I adore it. The children and I have a ton of entertaining ideas thought, and we magically have to discover things to do that we didn’t wait.

Recently, I’ve been preparing berry slushies like it’s my work. When it’s warm and gluey, and I need a refresher, I mix up some iced berries with a small amount of water, and it freezes everything direct down. And I’ve enjoyed all the slushy wine recipes I’ve noticed lately. So that’s primarily what this is, with a few added flavour from brandy and orange drink, plus a pinch of cinnamon for that pure sangria flavour.




  • 1 cup of red wine
  • 1 cup of ice cubes, crushed
  • 1/3 cup of frozen blueberries
  • 1/3 cup of fresh raspberries
  • 1/3 cup of frozen strawberries
  • 1/4 cup of orange-flavoured liqueur
  • 1/2 orange, juiced
  • One tablespoon of white sugar, or more to taste




  • Combine red wine, ice cubes, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, orange-flavoured liqueur, orange juice, and sugar in a blender
  • Cover and blend until smooth.
  • Immediately serve or freeze.


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