berry chantilly cake

Berry Chantilly Cake

Chantilly cake is a well-known dessert all over the world. Nowadays you don’t need to go to the bakery, and you can make this delicious treat at home for a low cost. As I was looking for a gift to enjoy with my coffee, I came up with this lovely berry cake. After tasting a piece of it, I couldn’t wait to analyze the recipe of this berry chantilly cake and make it at home! And I would like to say, this recipe is almost identical, and I loved it.

I trust all needs to enjoy on their birthday. Celebrating a birthday with four candles and blowing them out are too traditional things. It helps to add additional beauty to your birthday.

When you think about Easter, you can’t end the day without this berry chantilly cake. Each year I celebrate Easter at my house with this cake and, This is one of my favorite Easter desserts. I suggest you that this cake is the best holiday meal. Mostly This cake has four layers of cake and plenty of fresh berries. This is a mouth-watering dessert that you could ever have.


  • 3 medium bananas
  • 2 eggs
  • ½ cup of melted butter
  • ½ teaspoon of canola oil
  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda
  • ½ teaspoon of cinnamon
  • 1 cup of brown sugar
  • 1 cup of milk
  • ½ cup of nutmegs and walnuts
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • ½ cup of chocolate chips
  • Salt



  • Heat the saucepan and boil the reduced-fat milk t low flame
  • Add a cube of unsalted butter and let it melt
  • In another bowl, add all-purpose flour, baking powder and make sure there are no lumps
  • Take a bowl and add the eggs and beat them
  • Add salt, sugar, vanilla extract and beat them with a beater
  • Combine the beaten mix and flour mix, whisk it till there are no lumps
  • Pour the mix in two cake trays
  • Bake them at 350F for 20 minutes
  • Let them cool completely
  • In a dish add the heavy cream, sugar, vanilla extract and Greek yogurt
  • Beat them well
  • Spread the mix on top of the cake and place the mixed fresh berries
  • Place the next cake on the top of it and pour the mix on the cake
  • Finally, place the remaining berries and sprinkle the powdered sugar

Cut them into cute pieces and serve them with joy!

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