Beetroot Powder

Beetroot Powder

Beetroot powder has always fascinated me ever since I read about it. What is that beautiful pink powder that can be used to colour red velvet cupcakes easily? I get a question about replacing the food colour with something better. I have analysed with beetroot juice, ground beetroot but the zest of the cake was not as efficient as the ones I prepared with food colours. Then one day, I came over beetroot powder which was sold commercially. It was expensive. Somehow I misremembered about all these after some point. What is that powder that can be applied to present your blush? Beetroot powder!

It also has many other benefits. You can pick which beets you want to use, whether it be natural or fresh from your garden, so you remember what you are using. You can also dry beetroot chips, which lead to stay glowing pink for more lasting, and wait to grind them up until you want them. I discover that when opened to the air, beetroot powder ultimately turns brown, mainly if there is any moisture where you have collected it. When well-packed, it will remain longer, but if you only grind up as complete as you’ll want for some weeks at a time, you can assure that you’re always using new powder.

If vitamins and minerals are your jam, you must try this antioxidant-rich supplement. 2 tablespoons are equal to 2 oz of fresh beets. It can boost endurance, improve blood flow and adds a sweet taste. You can also use it for baking goods and smoothie bowls.



  • 1 beetroot



  • Wash and peel off the beetroots. Cut them into small pieces.
  • Dry the slices thoroughly and store the beetroot chips.
  • Whenever you need an instant fresh beetroot, grind the chips finely





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