Avocado Breakfast Bowl

Avocado Breakfast Bowl

Breakfast bowls are very flexible, which is why we adore them. We use quinoa as a foundation, avocado and eggs for protein. Soft-boiled eggs classically remain up to 2 days in the fridge, so if you desire to honestly prepare this entire meal ahead, hard-boiled eggs are a more suitable option. Or, you can make the quinoa ahead of time and then mix or cook up an egg the morning of.


Don’t omit the Everything Bagel Seasoning; you can get it at most supermarket stores and will to begin sprinkling it on everything. This Avocado Breakfast Bowl is the sort of fast breakfast dish that’s deserving waking up for and having again for lunch or supper. We admire the knife-and-fork tomato “steak,” related to what you’d discover on a standard English breakfast dish, though covered here with a crispy panko-basil crumble. If you’d choose a starchy ingredient, try combining pre-cooked quinoa.


It’s just feta cheese, olive oil, sea salt and pepper, but it turns a plain avocado not only come lively but dance and sing for your flavour buds as excellent! Join in that crispy egg with that silky yolk and this Avocado Breakfast Bowl is a powerhouse of taste with lots of wholesome fats and protein to feed your energetic morning.




  • ½ cup of water
  • ¼ cup of red quinoa
  • 1 ½ teaspoon of olive oil
  • Two eggs
  • One pinch of salt
  • Ground black pepper to taste
  • ¼ teaspoon of seasoned salt
  • ¼ teaspoon of ground black pepper
  • One avocado, diced
  • Two tablespoons of crumbled feta cheese





  • Stir in the water and quinoa together in a rice cooker; cook until tender for 15 minutes.
  • Cook eggs in hot olive oil to your liking and season it with seasoned salt and pepper.
  • Top cooked quinoa with the fried eggs and finish with avocado and feta cheese.

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