Avocado Basil Cucumber Bites

Avocado Basil Cucumber Bites

Cucumber slices are coated with a yoghurt spread and topped with a piece of tomato in these delicious cucumber bites. A fabulous low carb appetiser or meal that is also gluten-free.

These cucumber bites are ready to assemble quickly and are a bright addition to any gathering or fiesta table. The fresh green with a touch of red will entice you to their plate! The undried basil sets well with the luscious taste of cucumber along with the typical taste blend of yoghurt and cucumber.


If you desired a dairy-free cucumber basil bite, avoid the yoghurt. The shiny green colour of the avocado would look grand too. Add a bit of lime to the mixture to stop any blemish though. Fresh basil is one of life’s small joys, in my view. It develops high and generous, has a most fragrant smell and can give the flawless number of garden-fresh flavouring to your recipes. Every type of basil I’ve used to grow has accomplished without a lot of additional care from me. Low support, uncomplicated to raise, and high on the yield that’s my kind of plant!


Cucumbers are a vast low carb veggie, and these basil cucumber bites have only 0.6g net carbohydrate each. Not only are cucumbers small in carbs, but they are also flat in calories. You could gracefully consume a big plate of them! They also include many necessary vitamins and minerals, as well as having a high water content. Cucumbers can be consumed raw or pickled. They can be appreciated as a low-calorie meal or used to combine taste in a diversity of foods. Cucumbers are an exciting, nutritious and amazingly versatile joining to any menu.



  • One ripe avocado, peeled and pitted
  • ½ cup of fresh basil leaves
  • One tablespoon of lime juice
  • One clove garlic
  • ¼ teaspoon of salt
  • ¼ teaspoon of ground black pepper
  • One cucumber, cut into ¼ -inch slices
  • One plum tomato, cut into ¼-inch slices
  • One tablespoon of plain yoghurt, or to taste (optional)



  • Add avocado, basil, lime juice, garlic, salt, and pepper together in a food processor and process until smooth.
  • Pipe or spread avocado puree onto each cucumber slice and top with tomato slice and yoghurt.
  • Sprinkle some pepper when you serve.


Have a good day.


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